How to register to change someone's life
You can join our PAWsome community of Puppy Raisers by completing four simple steps:
Step 1: Complete the online application form below and attend one of our scheduled webinars. These webinars provide detailed information about this volunteer role.
Step 2: Your application will be reviewed, and we will then invite you to a short 20-minute phone call to get to know you better.
Step 3: We then provide you with e-learning material to complete.
Step 4: The final stage is getting your home approved and this is done by means of a virtual home visit.
Once your home has been approved and you sign the agreements, we then place you on the waitlist for your puppy.
Requirements & Support
Find out about the requirements to become a Puppy Raiser and the range of supports we provide.
Find Out MoreJoin our Puppy Raising Community
Become part of a unique, selfless group of volunteers who have the passion to help our pups change lives.
Before entering your details, please ensure you have read the requirements detailed above.
Have any questions? Contact us today at: 0818 506300 or email: support@guidedogs.ie
Get in touch with us
Get in touch with us to find out more information.