All of our lives are so much more enjoyable and fulfilling
Before Freida arrived, Kevin found some aspects of daily life more challenging. Outings required much planning and reassurance and daily activities such as going to school, going into shopping centres, going out for meals, or attending soccer training could be overwhelming for Kevin.
Since Freida became part of our family Kevin’s life has improved. When Kevin met Freida it was clear that she was a great match for him and Freida’s calm personality supported Kevin to feel safe. They have a beautiful bond which is getting stronger each day. Kevin feeds Freida at 7am every morning like clockwork and this routine works really well for them both. Kevin plays with Freida in our back garden every evening and they really enjoy this time together. Freida has an endearing personality and loves the attention from Kevin and others.
Freida’s company is a comfort to Kevin, and they often sit together watching movies; this is a timeout in Kevin’s day which helps him to calm. Kevin goes for attached walks with Freida which are very effective in supporting him to regulate. Kevin is attached to Freida when in shopping centres and her presence in restaurants, birthday parties, soccer training, family outings and other activities has made a very big difference to Kevin’s mood, behaviour, happiness and enjoyment of his day-to-day life. The aftercare support from Eimear in Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind has been invaluable.
Kevin’s attached walk with Freida to school every morning supports Kevin to regulate himself before attending school and to manage himself throughout the day in school. Kevin can still find school challenging at times. The school are very supportive of Kevin and Freida. If Kevin is unsettled in school, I can pop in with Freida which helps Kevin to return to baseline. Kevin really looks forward to Freida collecting him from school at 3pm each day. Kevin is really proud of the fact that Freida is his dog and loves to show her off to his friends. They recently won 1st prize for Best Junior Dog Handler at the Pups in the Park event!
Freida has changed Kevin’s life for the better and has brought lots of love into our home. We love having Freida as part of our family and she has made Kevin’s life and all of our lives so much more enjoyable and fulfilling. We feel so blessed to have a dog that has built such an amazing bond with Kevin and supports him to enjoy and live his life to the best he possibly can. Kevin and Freida look forward to many happy years together.