International Guide Dog Day
25 Apr, 2023
International Guide Dog Day 2023
Guide Dogs provide opportunities for social interaction and greater independence for people who are blind or have low vision. International Guide Dog Day pays tribute to the dogs who do this impressive work. Guide Dogs help their owners make their way through the world while offering love and comfort in so many ways.
References to Guide Dogs date back to the 16th century, so for the hundreds of years of service that these faithful companions have provided, we pay tribute to their service this year on April 26th.
The International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) is the charity that defines and maintains international standards for the training of Guide Dogs around the world. This work ensures the quality and safety of Guide Dog services for people who are blind or have low vision.
To mark International Guide Dog Day 2023, IGDF has published its latest global statistics which give a picture of Guide Dog services worldwide.
Guide Dog Statistics as at 31 December 2022
20,291 Guide Dogs are currently working worldwide. This means that 20,291 people who are blind or have low vision have the support of a Guide Dog to help them live life on their terms. This means that collectively, IGDF member organisations are delivering 7,406,215 days of independence and freedom each year.
2,426 Guide Dogs were trained during 2022. The global Covid-19 pandemic had a severe impact on IGDF members around the world, but they showed resilience and creativity and found ways to continue to deliver these essential services. The 2022 figure of 2,426 is an improvement on the 2021 figure of 2,405, and the 2020 total of 2,038, but further work is needed to return to the pre-pandemic levels of 3,000 Guide Dogs being trained each year.
6,248 individuals were employed full or part-time by IGDF organisations around the world. Their dedication, expertise and professionalism enables thousands of people who are blind or have low vision to enjoy a safe and effective Guide Dog service.
34,033 individual volunteers gave their time and experience to help IGDF member organisations deliver these life-changing services. This demonstrates the strength and breadth of community involvement and support around the world.
7,462 Guide Dog puppies started Guide Dog training during 2022. The Covid-19 pandemic had a severe impact on Guide Dog training and waiting lists have increased worldwide. IGDF member organisations are determined to increase Guide Dog provision and reduce the time people must wait for a Guide Dog. These new puppies are the Guide Dogs of the future.
More statistics on the IGDF website:
Listen to John Welsman and David Maynard discuss International Guide Dog Day in the latest IGDF Podcast.
About the IGDF
IGDF was established in 1987 by representatives of 15 Guide Dog organisations from 10 different countries. IGDF has grown significantly over the years and now has 97 member organisations from 34 different countries. Over 20,000 people with sight loss enjoy the benefits of safe, independent travel through their partnership with a Guide Dog. However, the World Health Organisation estimates there to be over 250 million people who are blind or have low vision worldwide.
As well as developing international standards, IGDF supports new Guide Dog organisations around the world, helping them to grow and progress towards full accreditation against the IGDF standards. IGDF also offers scholarships which enable guide dog instructors to develop their professional skills by undertaking secondments with established IGDF member organisations.