Guide Dog Day Walk Rules
20 Apr, 2023
All walks will be attended and supervised by IGDB volunteers
All participants must abide by any local laws/ordinances that apply to the walk route
Under-18s must be supervised by a parent/guardian
You will be responsible for the welfare and behaviour of your own dog
Only bring your dog if you are confident it is socialised and will not be stressed out by crowds or other dogs
Make sure to check the weather forecast and bring adequate water for your dog
Ensure you follow litter laws and clean up after your dog at all times
Please ensure all dogs remain on leads throughout the walk
Ensure that whoever will walk your dog on the day has experience and can maintain ‘effectual control’
If your dog is a restricted breed we advise you that you must comply with The Control of Dogs Regulations 1998 (S.I. No. 442 of 1998)