A letter from Yarrow
05 Dec, 2024
Assistance Dog, Yarrow, here. With my sensitive nose, I can always sniff out a kind heart. So, even BEFORE I discovered you support Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, I knew you to be a fantastic human.
Amazing people like you brought me and my best friend Ted together. And this Christmas, I’m asking if you’ll help change the life of another child with autism. Right now, while children across Ireland write their Christmas wish lists, there are children like Ted on the waiting list for an Assistance Dog.
It hurts my doggy heart to think of them. Please will you send a gift that could help change the life of a child with autism, and give a family Christmas back?
Before I came into Ted’s life, he found the world overwhelming. Often, his autism meant he’d throw himself on the floor when the family needed to leave the house. So, his parents had to use a buggy.
Time went by – Ted was eight years old. He was still using the buggy, so his parents applied for an Assistance Dog because they knew what a dog like me can do.
You won’t believe this, but I never saw Ted in his buggy. He wanted to walk with me from the very first day!
We took it gently. At first, our walks were short. Ted got tired easily, but his legs grew stronger. We went to places, like the woods, where the buggy couldn’t go. Ted’s sisters and brother came along too. And as Ted’s world started to get bigger, he became more confident in new surroundings.
As you can imagine, the kids were so excited in the build-up to our first Christmas together. Ted had never been able to join in before, but he loved it. It meant so much to see him at the heart of everything.
I have a special partnership with this little boy, but I also have one with you. Together, we’ve changed Ted’s life, and brought this beautiful family back together to enjoy Christmas and every day. So, now, my thoughts are back with the children who are waiting for an Assistance Dog.
With a gift you could help cover the costs of training and supporting an Assistance Dog like me, and help change a child’s life furever.
Paws crossed you’ll be able to help at this special time of year. Signing off with a gift-wrapped lick and tail wag,
Proud to be Ted’s Assistance Dog
P.S. My doggy heart breaks for the children like my Ted, who are desperately waiting for an Assistance Dog. As someone who understands what a dog like me can do, please send a caring gift so that another child can get a furry friend like me, and a family can have their Christmas back.